Notes for those who are first reading this blog

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

God's Matrix: The Immaculate Conception

        I am aware that God sees all of me.  He can see everything I have ever done and the intent with which I did each act.  God is fully aware of how much negativity I have gotten into and perpetrated in all of the many lives I have lived.  The first thing that comes to my mind is to wonder just how God can still love me, can still love humanity with all of our ‘not like Godness’.  We have done much and have much to answer for karmically, regardless of how much we may be striving to follow the path in this life.  The answer to this is in how much vision God actually has.  If we put all of our iniquity on one side of the scales of justice and put on the other side God’s vision for what we can potentially become, (the Immaculate Concept that God holds for each of us which is what we will become when we reach that pivotal point in the long journey), then the evil shrinks into insignificance compared to the majesty of the presence of God that we will discover within and are eventually meant to manifest.  And, outside of the limit of time, God sees this in the ever present now.
        This is God’s Matrix for us: this Immaculate Concept, and God holds this Immaculate Concept for each of us.  This is the culmination of the journey.  It is also the reason that I know that we live many lives.  I simply have a far higher regard for God and His mercy than to think that we would be cast for all eternity into Hell for one life of illusion within a negative matrix.  We don’t do that to a child that fails a grade in school.  That child is simply made to repeat the grade until she gets it right at which point she moves on to the next grade.  This process continues in the life of our spiritual path until we graduate with doctoral honors into the fully Self-Realized beings we are meant to become.
        It is our fate, should we decide to fulfill it, to become Sons and Daughters of God in the fullness of time – to realize for ourselves the oneness with God that is His perfect intent.  We may rest assured of God’s love and work to manifest that love and oneness in each of our lives trusting in the love that God has for each of us.  That love is one that far outshines the greatest love that any earthly father has for his children.  And which of us would consign our children to hell for eternity for a single life of infractions when the potential is so great?
        The purpose of this blog is not to convince you of the reality of reincarnation.  The purpose of this blog is, through the consideration of reincarnation, to realize the reality of God's love for each of us, the absolute forgiveness that is there in God's Being and the incredible potential that lies within even the greatest of sinners.

"The trip to the top is worth the inconvenience!" - El Morya Khan

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