Notes for those who are first reading this blog

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Drugs and the path

       Adepts who use drugs, and are on a personal path that is like to mine, must at some point confront that usage and what it does to block us from advancement on the path.  Often, as adepts, we are simply told that they are “bad” but little explanation comes with that information and it is one of those blanket statements that I have come to mistrust.  However, for me there were things to be discovered about the use of drugs that changed my opinion of their effect.  I had to learn on my own and I am a slow learner.  But I think that each person will have their own unique experience.  I have come to realize that they are, for me, an impediment and a short circuit in my being as I try to make every part of me like God.

        Here is my experience of marijuana.  I give you this as a more in-depth explanation of the type, (if you are like me), of negative aspects of this drug than you are likely to get from most spiritual sources.  For me the negative attributes of the marijuana high strip it of any positive ones because for an adept those attributes others think of as positives prove not to be so.

        The one thing that everyone will experience when getting high is the coming down.  It is generally considered to be the user’s big obstacle.  Even more important, all of the enjoyment, all of the lessons or information or whatever that we get by being high doesn’t translate into a change in our real self.  That is why coming down is a ‘let down’.  We haven't incorporated the experience into our true selves.

        Put it this way: if all that I experience when I’m on drugs doesn’t make a permanent change in me when I’m not high then who is it that is really experiencing the high?  I am not including opinions, emotional changes in alignment, the ability to recall or some such in my definition of changes.  I mean a real change in my higher self.  If I’m not reaping the benefit of all that experience does that mean that I’m not experiencing it at all?  Isn’t it the drug having that experience and doing it through me?  When I was high I was a spectator - like watching TV instead of living life.  And, that being true, how is it that the drug would be helping me on my path when my inner being, my soul, my inner self is not gaining experience on the path while I am high?  To understand how that works I needed to understand about my own higher self and the qualifying and mis-qualifying of God’s energy. (There are 3 earlier blog entries – “Like God – Not Like God” - on energy and the chakras that give you a bit more explanation on your use of energy.)  Because if I am giving away the energy I have received from God to marijuana then I am mis-qualifying energy physically through one of the chakras and that energy will need to eventually come up for transmutation into energy that is more real for my inner Godself.  This is true any time that I give my energy away.  That is how I see it.  It is the difference between watching a movie or living real life.

        I want to get on with life.  For me, marijuana, while fun, was a waste of time.  I decided some years ago that I’m going home.

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