Notes for those who are first reading this blog

I strongly suggest that you begin reading with the first blog entered and continue reading them in the order in which they were entered. There is, I believe, a progression that it is well to follow for clarity's sake.

If you have any comments, (and they would be appreciated), please contact me at I will read all emails although not necessarily on the day they are sent.

Friday, February 22, 2019

karma and the manifestation of personality

        We solidify our habitual ways of dealing with the world outside ourselves.  What do I mean when I say ‘we solidify’ given that I am already speaking of habit which can be described as a solidified behavior?  In order to answer that I need first to make it clear that my experience tells me that everything is one to the point where our inner being manifests in our outer being – even to the point where our inner personality will often manifest through our physical body.  This is the reason that the apostles, when they saw a man blind from birth, asked Jesus if his blindness was from his sin or a sin of his parents.  Behind that statement is the assumption that the sin, certainly not a corporeal event only, could and would manifest in the physical.  There is also the assumption that things from our past lives can cause physical limitations in the present.

        My purpose here is not to get into a debate as to the veracity of reincarnation but rather to use that example in order to clarify an idea – it being that non-physical attitudes, events, etc. can cause changes and conditions in the physical.

        This is true even in the way that we perceive ourselves.  In the act of self-perception, that which we perceive, even though it is us, is, by the very act of perceiving, outside of the one doing the perceiving.  How we view ourselves, (which is never perfectly accurate), causes changes within us, often giving rise to new and marginally independent internal constructs, patterns of behavior or, more importantly, thought which is a nice way of saying that they take on a life of their own. These will often be ways of dealing with the world that are less than optimum behaviors.  These behaviors that we take on can, and often do, become habitual because they satisfy a particular ongoing need of the ego.

        When you fill a particular need in this manner with anything but a perfect God solution, when the solution comes from within your own ego, it is, by its very nature flawed to one degree or another, often very flawed.  You make compromises within yourself to build a given defense and, as a result, somewhere else within you there is a crack that forms in your internal egoic structure.  That crack can manifest in your behavior, in changes to your physical body, into changes that you may carry over from a past life where the manifestation may be congenital.  But most importantly that crack can manifest in the very structure of the personality that you view as the core of who you are.

        This is one example of how karma can play out.  It is karma in the sense that karma is not necessarily a static thing but a dynamic response on the part of the universe to a constantly changing and adapting creation of ours.  We tend to use the word karma to cover different kinds of punishment for many types of ‘negative’ behavior and that is certainly one form that it takes, especially when our thoughts, words and actions give birth to the law of unintended consequences, (many of these consequences we label as negative karma with cause).  In another sense we might think of our personalities, those strengths and weaknesses that we see as integral parts of ‘who we think we are’, as the stuff of the universe that fills those vacuums that we create.  In that case our outer personalities are in a constant loop as we continually adjust who we are which, in turn, causes us to continually adjust how we see ourselves, (albeit never very clearly), which causes us to adjust who we are, etc..

        We need to interrupt this negative, self-sustaining loop within ourselves.  We need to create new thought forms for ourselves that reflect a different interior paradigm.  This is a kind of ‘fake it until you make it’ approach.  It takes changing our momentums.  Much of what we think of as the contours of our personalities are actually momentums that we carry that have solidified into personality traits that have come to determine our behavior.

        We have more control or authority over all of this than we think.  But if we are unaware of the fact that we have that control we will not, of course, exercise that control.  Even when we are aware and take an active role in changing our paradigm, we will find that we are working against established patterns that have a great deal of momentum. That can be very challenging and very difficult.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Striving for Honesty in Blog

        I see now that if I do not give myself entirely to God I am living an illusion.  All that I am is God's.  All that is not of God is illusion.  Even the idea that there is part of me that is not God's is illusion.  The part of me that has that thought, that thought itself, is illusion.  So learning to give myself to God 100% is learning to live in truth, rather than in a lie.  It is the process of clearing my vision so that I can see that I already am God's.  In that process I become more of God and less of myself.
        John the Baptist said, "He must increase and I must decrease.". This is what I am coming to see is the transformation that must take place in me, the transformation I long for because without that transformation I will never get past my ego.  All of this writing that I have done here in this blog is constantly tainted by ego until I have let go completely to God all of my desires, all of my own goals, all of my own opinions, everything.
        I am, in truth, a poor example of how to be, of what to strive for, of what to seek to become.
        God of all, take from me all pride and conceit and replace it with love of thee.  Teach me to love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength.  OM.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Drugs and the path

       Adepts who use drugs, and are on a personal path that is like to mine, must at some point confront that usage and what it does to block us from advancement on the path.  Often, as adepts, we are simply told that they are “bad” but little explanation comes with that information and it is one of those blanket statements that I have come to mistrust.  However, for me there were things to be discovered about the use of drugs that changed my opinion of their effect.  I had to learn on my own and I am a slow learner.  But I think that each person will have their own unique experience.  I have come to realize that they are, for me, an impediment and a short circuit in my being as I try to make every part of me like God.

        Here is my experience of marijuana.  I give you this as a more in-depth explanation of the type, (if you are like me), of negative aspects of this drug than you are likely to get from most spiritual sources.  For me the negative attributes of the marijuana high strip it of any positive ones because for an adept those attributes others think of as positives prove not to be so.

        The one thing that everyone will experience when getting high is the coming down.  It is generally considered to be the user’s big obstacle.  Even more important, all of the enjoyment, all of the lessons or information or whatever that we get by being high doesn’t translate into a change in our real self.  That is why coming down is a ‘let down’.  We haven't incorporated the experience into our true selves.

        Put it this way: if all that I experience when I’m on drugs doesn’t make a permanent change in me when I’m not high then who is it that is really experiencing the high?  I am not including opinions, emotional changes in alignment, the ability to recall or some such in my definition of changes.  I mean a real change in my higher self.  If I’m not reaping the benefit of all that experience does that mean that I’m not experiencing it at all?  Isn’t it the drug having that experience and doing it through me?  When I was high I was a spectator - like watching TV instead of living life.  And, that being true, how is it that the drug would be helping me on my path when my inner being, my soul, my inner self is not gaining experience on the path while I am high?  To understand how that works I needed to understand about my own higher self and the qualifying and mis-qualifying of God’s energy. (There are 3 earlier blog entries – “Like God – Not Like God” - on energy and the chakras that give you a bit more explanation on your use of energy.)  Because if I am giving away the energy I have received from God to marijuana then I am mis-qualifying energy physically through one of the chakras and that energy will need to eventually come up for transmutation into energy that is more real for my inner Godself.  This is true any time that I give my energy away.  That is how I see it.  It is the difference between watching a movie or living real life.

        I want to get on with life.  For me, marijuana, while fun, was a waste of time.  I decided some years ago that I’m going home.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

God's Matrix: The Immaculate Conception

        I am aware that God sees all of me.  He can see everything I have ever done and the intent with which I did each act.  God is fully aware of how much negativity I have gotten into and perpetrated in all of the many lives I have lived.  The first thing that comes to my mind is to wonder just how God can still love me, can still love humanity with all of our ‘not like Godness’.  We have done much and have much to answer for karmically, regardless of how much we may be striving to follow the path in this life.  The answer to this is in how much vision God actually has.  If we put all of our iniquity on one side of the scales of justice and put on the other side God’s vision for what we can potentially become, (the Immaculate Concept that God holds for each of us which is what we will become when we reach that pivotal point in the long journey), then the evil shrinks into insignificance compared to the majesty of the presence of God that we will discover within and are eventually meant to manifest.  And, outside of the limit of time, God sees this in the ever present now.
        This is God’s Matrix for us: this Immaculate Concept, and God holds this Immaculate Concept for each of us.  This is the culmination of the journey.  It is also the reason that I know that we live many lives.  I simply have a far higher regard for God and His mercy than to think that we would be cast for all eternity into Hell for one life of illusion within a negative matrix.  We don’t do that to a child that fails a grade in school.  That child is simply made to repeat the grade until she gets it right at which point she moves on to the next grade.  This process continues in the life of our spiritual path until we graduate with doctoral honors into the fully Self-Realized beings we are meant to become.
        It is our fate, should we decide to fulfill it, to become Sons and Daughters of God in the fullness of time – to realize for ourselves the oneness with God that is His perfect intent.  We may rest assured of God’s love and work to manifest that love and oneness in each of our lives trusting in the love that God has for each of us.  That love is one that far outshines the greatest love that any earthly father has for his children.  And which of us would consign our children to hell for eternity for a single life of infractions when the potential is so great?
        The purpose of this blog is not to convince you of the reality of reincarnation.  The purpose of this blog is, through the consideration of reincarnation, to realize the reality of God's love for each of us, the absolute forgiveness that is there in God's Being and the incredible potential that lies within even the greatest of sinners.

"The trip to the top is worth the inconvenience!" - El Morya Khan